Sunday, July 10, 2011

To Become a Billionaire Blogger

Thus afternoon I looked at my google analytics and discovered that this blog has had a woping 34 visits to it since I started it. THere are people out there that talk about what it takes to make money blogging the person over at bloggingbookshelf looked at what it would take to make a billion dollars as a blogger. Doesn't look like I am gonna make it... but anyways in order to make it to a billion in just 50 years you would have to get almost 1.1 million to click on the ads on the side of your blog since less then 3 percent of readers that means you would have to have at least 36,530,300 on your site every day for the next 50 years thats probably not even realistic but if you could do it it would quit a feat. You would be making $54,000 a day which I more then most people make in a year. this post about making enough money to make one billion dollars on a blog is rather interesting. You start to see how valuable a website can become when you start to sell product on it and you are getting sales of those products. which makes me one why I spend 20 minutes a couple nights a week writting blog posts when I should be writing content for my own site that isnt growing fast enough to make it to $54,000 a day in sales.

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