Saturday, April 17, 2010

is he gonna be a billionaire?

I bought into the office lottery Pool yesturday, with $121 million up for grabs yesturday and $212 million in the powerball today i figured it was worth risking the 2 dollars to get 10 chances at both.

I was thinking about Brad Duke last Night remeber him he was the winner of a 220 million dollar jackpot in 2005. He showed Fortune magazine how much he had alocated to different investments and said that he wanted to become a billionaire in 15 years. that was at during the boom years when investments could do no wrong. his math didn't make sense to me when he won in 2005 and I would love to know how he is coming on his goal 5 years after the win.

$45 million: Safe, low-risk investments such as municipal bonds
$35 million: Aggressive investments like oil and gas and real estate
$1.3 million: A family foundation
$63,000: A trip to Tahiti with 17 friends
$125,000: Mortgage retired on his 1,400-square-foot house
$18,000: Student-loan repayment
$65,000: New bicycles, including a $12,000 BMC road bike
$14,500: A used black VW Jetta
$12,000: Annual gift to each family member

only $23 million is aimed at high grow investments the rest is slow growth or expenses. he would need 28.5 percent compound interest for this to work and he invested in real estate starting in 2005. those investments cannot be doing all that well right now.

crossing my fingers that our pool wins ton

Thursday, April 8, 2010

how did they get $35 million

The last week in January I was in a meeting about buying the assets of a company that was in bankruptcy. Three days ago on yahoo I read that the company CCS Medical has now lined up $35 million in new financing from GE Capital. If a bankrupt company with 400 million in liabilities can get that much money to continue operating . Then I have the wrong bankers!!!!

Its stuff like this that makes you think, "swing for the fences" when Warburg Pincus who owns CCS Medical is loading it up with debt then taking it bankrupt. The getting even more money continiue operating after bankruptcy.
certainly GE Capital would be interested in my company that has very little debt and a long operating history and give us access to the kind of capital that these guys have just gotten. I think its time to take a serious run a buying another company and move along the Empire Building process!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

championship game

Tonight is the Championship game of the Beer League playoffs!! The goalie that has carried us for the entire season has been suspended for fighting and as of 5 o'clock we did not have a goalie for the game. one of our forwards will return to the pipes for the first time since high school. With a free long sleeve T-shirt on the line. This will be the fiercest battle of the season. Scoring big goals is what i do and thats what I will be doing tonight!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Diet and the things that taste good

Why is it that everything in this world that taste so good. falls into the category of really bad for you. The chocolate chip cookie is right up there with bacon has the best things i have ever had yet they are both on the naughty list if your are trying to lose some weight.

I have been trying to keep myself to a healthy diet the last few months but have found it hard not to have pizza and fast food for lunch 3 or 4 times a week at work. That being said I have managed to lose 10 pounds in the first 3 months of 2010. I think that has more to do with the fact that I have been going out much less then last year. I am 5 foot 7 inches and currently weigh 163 I am not fat by any means but i could stand to lose some weight so that the muscles i am attempting to build at the gym become more notice able.

I generally go to the gym 3 days a week two for primarily lifting and one for a light weights session followed by a spin class. Over the course of this blog i am going to attempt to keep track of my diet and workouts.

other posts will cover things that bother me about my life and the rest will probably be business ideas that i would like to pursue but probably will forget or move on from.

First steps

I don't have a clue what this blog going to be about. or if anyone other then myself will ever read its words but i do know this...for the last few months I have been living in the same mid-sized middle American city that I have grown up in since I was a child. The awful economy has returned me to the place I swore I would only visit for sort periods of time after college.

I now find myself struggling to find my place in a world that seems to have found its own path for me. If you could call this dot on the map lifestyle a path.